The new version of PHPFormMail is now on the mirrors. Changes include:
- You can now have regular expressions in the $referers array.
- Added the ability to have field name aliases.
- Added the ability to have hidden field results.
- Updated the error system to have critical errors.
- Changed crit errors to link to the readme.
- Added a new const for readme link.
- Fixed check_recipients bug (Don)
- Fixed a bug when setting the first 3 css variables.
- Minor logic changes
- Fixed bug with PHP showing isset for fields that were empty. Fix: strlen()
- decode_vars() now returns an empty array if no data was sent to the form.
- Added a new error message for no data being sent to the form.
- changed error function to use global var instead of passing as a ref
- removed exit() calls from script, it shouldn’t need them.